I want to write a book: fund the pages!

Ideas are forming; Plots are building; A new energy is being transformed. I have a few paths that I want to guide you through. I am not sure of its final form but it will be an epic adventure. Thrills, chills, love, and lust will mist around the edges of each page. Each page, a commemoration of a land, not so different from our own.  Prepare to be awakened.  


I can tell you my story, if you only ask. It’s a great one – a treasure; Will you do what I ask?      

10282015 10/28/2015 10 28 2015

A pulse lies within everything
every moment, every person, in all objects, in the seen and unseen;

It exists as a unifying entity,
spanning realities incoherent to man’s current knowledge.

So deeply rooted in existence itself, the awareness of it
creates a profound, incomprehensible, yet strangely familiar sense of unity.

An inherent nature that forms all and thus constitutes all events, beyond space and time -beyond life as we understand it to be.

It is like an energy. It is change. And God. It has many characteristics.

It is within all that there is.

Growth, decay


A cycle of endlessness.

Brighten your day INSTANTLY! :)

Listen! https://vimeo.com/106611896

Hope all is well! Have a wonderful day, wherever you are in the world!

Best Regards,


How to practice Mindfulness Meditation in Today’s Modern World

Mindfulness meditation can be described as putting all your effort and attention to the sensations of whatever action you are doing in the present moment. You focus your attention to the one single task you are completing.

In today’s modern world, we often think we have no time to practice meditation or mindfulness. However, this practice of attention can be incorporated into any task! I usually practice mindfulness when I am cleaning, washing dishes, and especially eating my meals.

While eating a meal, for example, I focus on every bite – I chew it mindfully, pay utmost attention to the flavours of each spoonful. And I really pay attention.

The smell of the meal
The taste of each small piece I put into my mouth
The flavours of each small component as I chew, releasing even more flavour
I try to focus on the spices added to each meal and see if I can recognize them
I chew slowly and mindfully

By doing this simple act, I know when my body has had enough food that is necessary to stay healthy. By being mindful, I do not overeat. I pay attention to the food I am putting into my body, and as a result, I can hear my body’s response. I know which foods may cause bloating, stomach aches, or which foods don’t make me feel great after. You should never feel sick after eating a meal! Most of us in our modern world simply accept it as a normal part of eating when we feel sluggish and heavy after eating a big meal.

A simple mindfulness meditation incorporated to a regular task such as fueling my body has benefited me tremendously – both psychologically and physically. I recommend you try it!!! 🙂

Practicing Mindfulness is easy! You can do it!

Teach me (Lakota Prayer)


Quotes for Spiritually minded people


me how
to trust
my heart,
my mind,
my intuition,
my inner knowing,
the senses of my body,
the blessings of my spirit.
Teach me to trust these things
so that I may enter my sacred
space and love beyond my fear,
and thus walk in balance with the
passing of each glorious sun.
Lakota Prayer
My favorite Native American prayer

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Love Is

Enjoyed reading this! Thought you might too 🙂

Endless Light and Love


Before the birth of the physical
There was the birth of potential.
Before potential, something primal.
A Beingness. One Life, silent,
unmoving, unchanging,
The unspoken beauty of Truth,
Mother only to itself.

It has been called God, Tao,
Divine Mother,
Universal Mind.
Today it feels good to call it Love.
Or perhaps Spirit of Love,
Since Spirit implies an all-pervading
As common as one’s breath.

Love is not an emotion, or a feeling.
It is the formless and substance
The seen and the unseen;
It is the seed and womb of the
Call it what you will, it resides
Just beyond the limits of our
abilities to describe.

It has been said “God is Love.”
Thus, the heavens seek Love
Earth seeks Love
People seek Love.
This is what makes us great.

People abide on the Earth
Earth abides in the Heavens
The Heavens abide in Love.

View original post 34 more words

Who was Anna Freud?

A photograph of Anna Freud

Anna Freud (3 December 1895 – 9 October 1982) was the sixth and last child of Sigmund Freud and Martha Bernays. She followed the path of her father and contributed to the newly born field of psychoanalysis. Alongside Melanie Klein, she may be considered the founder of psychoanalytic child psychology:[1] as her father put it, child analysis ‘had received a powerful impetus through “the work of Frau Melanie Klein and of my daughter, Anna Freud”‘.[2] Compared to her father, her work emphasized the importance of the ego and its ability to be trained socially.

Read more about Anna Freud here (Wikipedia).

Success is not the absence of failure, but the true Triumph over it

There were others who believed in me
Long before I believed in myself

So many saw my strength
When i felt weak and alone

They knew I was great
Even when I didn’t believe it

They knew I would overcome and succeed.
Finally, I can to see it too.

I am strong
I am perseverant
I am capable of so much more than my doubtfulness had convinced me of.

I am alive
I am a fighter
A leader from within.

I used to see the faults and cracks
of situations.
But now,
I can also see the beauty others are blinded to.

In my demise,
I reconstructed myself.

In my self doubts and perceived weaknesses,
I convinced myself that I was broken.
But I was not. I am not.

Like a caterpillar that falls into its’ deep cocooned slumber,
I awake renewed and different.

What appeared to be an end
Morphs into the spectacular chance of
A previously unattainable reality

I now realize that my struggle was a path to create a better version of myself.

Success is not the absence of failure,
But the true triumph over it.
